Thank You for the Brokenness
Ran across something I journaled years ago that seemed fitting for a time when it feels like our world is falling apart: Thank you for the brokenness like an egg thats been allowed to be boiled under pressure, we are made very aware of our own fragility - we know that at any moment we could crack. We are filled with fear that if and realistically, when, we crack everything in us will spill forth. We will be no more…we will cease to exist. When we are surprised, that is only that “a crack” - a crack of liberation no less. As life was allowed to turn up the heat we were being made solid. Our spirit and soul no longer sloshes around inside of this hard shell. The shell that had protected everything inside for so long is now being very gently chipped away to reveal the goodness inside - the edible part that nourishes those who take of it.
Thank you for loving us enough to not leave us the same!
Thank you for turning up the heat!
Thank you for breaking us open!
Thank you for being so gentle as YOU remove what once was!
Just maybe our world is not falling apart, but falling into place. If we are able to see our breaking through our Father’s eyes, we will see that its not for our destruction, but for our BREAKTHROUGH!!
(Written by Shelby Fraim - Breakthrough Team Member)