Rest in HIS perfect love
As the new sign for our upcoming conference was delivered and opened, reading the verse we chose months ago spoke to me. Long before any virus, any recommended isolation, this sign was sent to print. Our goal and focus for April 2nd as a team was to speak and teach on the depths of God’s love for each of you. But there are tons of verses about His love in the Bible, why this verse God? God led us to it. He knew what was to come, the timing, what He wanted to say. God wants you to know that nothing, not anything can separate, isolate, cut you off, quarantine you from His LOVE! You are not alone. He is with you. We pray that in the slow pace, the forced downtime and absence of distractions, that you will experience Him, hear Him more clearly and feel His peace surround you as we allow Him to wash over our mind with Truth, not fear. Rest in His perfect LOVE for you. Perfect LOVE casts out fear. We are praying for you. 🙏🏻 “There is no fear in Love. But perfect Love casts out fear”..... 1 John 4:18 “Nothing shall be able to separate us from the Love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
Romans 8:39
*previously written March 16, 2020
Written by Magan Roach - Breakthrough Leadership Team Member