Our Official Stance

In light of our current situation, we have an choice. Where will we look? Will we let our eyes bounce to every headline, accept fear’s invitation to fret over lack of control and living in undeniable uncertainty? Hear the supernatural strength in His voice as he calls you, as He did Peter, out onto unknown waters saying “Take courage! It is I. Do not be afraid.” Peter stepped out of the boat, but the winds came and he chose to turn his attention to his circumstance, started sinking and in fear cried out, “Lord save me!” In our humanity, we cry out to be saved as we become overwhelmed by what meets the eye, but good news — God loves us in our humanity and as He calms the winds He asks us the same question He did Peter all those years ago, “Why do you doubt?”

Also, in light of the season we are currently in, my mind goes to another time in Christian history, seemingly the bleakest of all moments endured by its witnesses. Circumstances said it is over, circumstances said what you believed to be true was false, circumstances said all is lost. What sadness, defeat, confusion early believers must have felt as they watched their Savior dead at the hands of men. The earth shook, rocks split, tombs broke open. By worldly perspective — by our enemy’s perspective, he had won. While the soul of the world was darkened in that hour Heaven rejoiced at the truth that the world could not yet see. The truth was that the perfect blood required to fulfill the law had been freely given. The veil was once and for all torn and God’s people were now able to come close to Him, where He had always longed for them to be.

I will admit the way God chooses to speak and act are rarely what I would expect and more times than not if they are looked at from human perspective they seem frightening much like the situation we find ourselves in today. We must choose how we position our perspective, through earthly eyes or eyes resolutely fixed towards Heaven. I believe from Heaven’s perspective we are experiencing a tearing of the veil in our own way — God is beckoning us to come close. The world as we know it is shaking loose of its false idols, hardened hearts are crumbling, people are being set free from the tombs they have been locked inside. We are physically coming home and He is bringing our heart HOME to Him! Could what was meant for our destruction actually be a movement toward restoration, could He use this sickness to be part of the cure?

Written by Shelby Fraim - Breakthrough Leadership Team Member


The Great Physician


Thank You for the Brokenness