After the Pandemic

- There is a really good chance that life will never again look quite the same -

“At some future, unknown point in time, when we get through this unique time in history, our lives will likely be transformed by this world-wide crisis. True, it may be because we have lost key loved ones to the virus, jobs will likely be decimated or altered, our economy will suffer a blow and people will struggle to put their lives back together financially and otherwise, and healthcare/workers will be worn. I recently heard a timely conversation about how drastically life changed, especially in Europe, after World War II. The landscape of life had dramatically shifted and no one could go back to the way it was before, no matter how much they longed to. Things were just different. We seem to be on the cusp of the very same shift. No, we aren’t at war with a physical enemy, but an invisible one is threatening our familiar way of life. Along with the negative changes, could the alteration of our lives take a step back to what truly matters? Could things like faith, family, humanity, goodness, kindness, love, slowness, savoring, and simplicity rise to a place of importance in place of hustle, self-focus, false success, and individualism? There is a good chance life may never again be the same. And that is okay. Maybe our collective focus will be on contentment and connection and relationship instead of striving and proving our own value. Maybe with more margin mentally and physically, our hearts and minds can finally Come to rest. Finally be stilled enough to realize that worth is intrinsic, not extrinsic or earned. Maybe worthiness will be seen as the gift it is as an image-bearer and the “work” will be to seek the inner-healing needed to arrive firmly and confidently there. I think the Lord is inviting us to a reset. A renewal. A refocus in the midst of uncertainty. Will you fight it? Or will you, no matter how uncomfortable, lean into the transformation and emerge from this time re-molded even closer to what you were created to be? Romans 12:2 says: “Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think.”

Written by Jenni Zabel - Breakthrough Leadership Team Member


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